Lights, Camera, Action
Could you imagine getting to appear in a film just by a dumb stroke of luck? That’s exactly what happened to one couple while they were touring Capitol Hill! The couple were approached and asked to read a couple lines for Forrest Gump. That scene made it into the film – the husband reported on Gump’s appearance in Washington, D.C. Talk about being in the right place at the right time!

Lights Camera Action
The Author
Many folks didn’t know that the movie was based on a book! Nor did many people know that Winston Groom, the author, penned a sequel titled Gump & Co. In 2014, Forrest Gump was re-released for IMAX. However it didn’t show in Groom’s hometown in Mobile, Alabama. Maybe this wasn’t intentional but Groom saw it as a personal slight. He told the Alabama Media Group that it was “embarrassing.”

The Author