A Hit
Forrest Gump became a box office hit. With just a budget of $55 million, the film raked in more than $677 million in profits. Now that’s a whole lot of dough but Paramount didn’t think so. The promotion of the film was intense so the profits didn’t seem like enough to the big wigs. The studio was left $62 million poorer once advertising costs were deducted.

A Hit
Plenty of Woes
The film didn’t bring in a profit but that’s not all. It was caked in financial troubles to the point where it almost wasn’t released. In 2015, Tom Hanks revealed that the studio was “48 hours away from shutting the movie down” due to money woes. Eventually Hanks and the director threw in their own money to finish filming. Forrest Gump has been referred to as a “successful failure” in terms of revenue, despite that it is Zemeckis’ highest grossing film to date.

Plenty Of Woes