Ping Pong
In the film, Forrest Gump becomes a ping pong master. He learned all of his skill while recovering from injuries sustained during the war. In fact, it was a fellow solider who taught him the game. While learning, Gump always had his eyes on the ball. Just re-watch the scene and you’ll see that he never looks away from the ball. He doesn’t even blink! That’s some wild dedication.

Ping Pong
Off The Ground
While Forrest Gump is a wildly successful film now, it wasn’t easy to get this project off the ground. Wendy Finerman, the producer, read the novel and saw that it had potential to be made into a film. However not many people agreed with her. After pitching the idea numerous times, she hadn’t convinced anyone to take the project on. That was until Tom Hanks signed on.

Off The Ground