Telling Her Off
Before Clare knew what was going on, Mrs. Duncan had ordered her into a corner, along with the teacher was a parent. Clare shared her feelings of that moment, “She took me into a corner in the hallway, with another woman – who I’m assuming was a parent chaperone – and told me that some of the dads who were chaperoning had complained that my dancing was too provocative and that I was going to cause the young men at the prom to think impure thoughts.” But there was a real question that seemed to be on her mind, were the impure thoughts in the minds of the boys, or the fathers on the balcony?

Telling Her Off
Double Standards
It baffled and agitated Clare that she was being accused of creating “impure thoughts” in the minds of the males at the school prom. Why was she the bad guy? She was following the rules, even she was treading on thin ice. But Clare was not about to let herself become a victim.

Double Standards