This Baby Elephant Had Been On The Brink Of Death When The Unexpected Happened

Published on 08/20/2019

Never Forgetting This

The onlookers started to laugh and congratulated everyone for a job well done. They were glad that they pitched in to save the creature. The salute they received from the huge animals made their efforts worth the trouble. While the elephants went on their own way, they knew that they would never forget this incredible experience. They only wrapped everything up when they could no longer see any of their elephant friends. Everyone’s heart felt full no matter how tired they were.

Never Forgetting This

Never Forgetting This


Elephants Are Well-Loved Creatures in India

Over half of the elephants in Asia reside in India. The massive animals are important creatures to the Indians. They also roam all over the subcontinent. Can you just imagine how many elephants there are in this country? While there are domesticated ones, there are more wild elephants out there. Some of these creatures are even used in local businesses to this day! Elephants are very dear to the Indian people and culture. Perhaps this is the reason the locals chose not to ignore the screams they heard. When the whole fiasco was over, the wildlife officials thanked everyone who helped out the animals. Aww!

Elephants In India

Elephants In India