This Baby Elephant Had Been On The Brink Of Death When The Unexpected Happened

Published on 08/20/2019

Thanks To The Excavator

Even though the noise of the machines was annoying, these wild elephants only stared in wonder. By then, it was the second day and the herd stayed intact. The locals and rescuers were inspired by the way they patiently waited for the baby. The excavator had been their saving grace. If it were not for the heavy equipment, the only choice the locals had would be to dig it out using their shovels and hands.

Thanks To The Excavator

Thanks To The Excavator


By Complete Surprise

Everyone worked on the task assigned to them when they heard a loud noise. Was it the excavator? Did something go wrong? It sure feels that way. The machine operator restarted its engine, but it did not seem like anything happened. The worst nightmare was becoming a reality. How did it even happen?!

By Complete Surprise

By Complete Surprise