Attack of the Birds
While covering a story about an infestation of birds, this reporter walked underneath a tree full of them. Maybe the birds overheard his insulting comment about them being an infestation because they were clearly not very happy with him. One bird pooped on his shoulder, which he laughed about. Then, he looked up at the trees when some feces landed right in his mouth. We’re sure his screams were heard miles away.

Attack of the Birds
The Clumsy Ballerina
While covering a story, this Russian reporter in Novosibirsk decided to leap across a puddle in the road. Unfortunately for her, she didn’t land well, and she ended up sitting in a puddle of freezing water. We hope she had a change of clothes on hand since the Siberian weather is brutal. Maybe next time she should have a stunt double or something.

The Clumsy Ballerina