As you may know, not everything on air is scripted. So reporters know they need to be careful about what they say. This news anchor was moving on to the weather forecast when he told the meteorologist “maybe we can canoodle before you get into it.” She was clearly shocked and rejected the offer. At that point, he realized that canoodle didn’t mean to chat. It turned awkward very quickly. The embarrassed anchor begged for the segment to be over. “Take it away, get me off camera”, he said.

Not a Good Idea
This daring reporter was trying to make his segment about the receding waters in the lake more interesting. He decided to jump in. Just before jumping, he mentioned how the ground should be completely dry. Well, as you can clearly see, it was not. The reporter ended up knee-deep in mud while the camera crew and the anchors at the station were practically crying from laughter. It doesn’t look like an easy task to get out of that mess, that’s for sure.

Not a Good Idea