We’re Moving
At times, news anchors find themselves in rather dangerous situations, even while they’re in the studio. In LA, this news team was suddenly interrupted by an unusually strong earthquake. The moment they felt it, they shouted and dove for cover. In the footage, you can see the cameras shaking clearly while the overhead lights are rattling.

Were Moving
Snow Sucks
During a snowstorm, this Milwaukee weather reporter was sent out to report live. After being out in the freezing cold for several hours, she obviously had enough. She decided to be brutally honest with the audience while she was on the air. “I’ve been here since, what, 3:30 this morning, it is now, I don’t even know what time it is, 9:45. I’m exhausted, I’ve run out of things to say. It is snowing, and it sucks here!” she said. After she was done with her declaration, her producers can be heard laughing in the background.

Snow Sucks