30+ Brilliant Uses For WD-40 – Who Would Have Thought

Published on 10/21/2018

Shining Shoes

Oh the woes of having beautiful white sneakers. They start off as glowing beacons of footwear, but only 24 seconds later they become susceptible to the frightening underworld of dirt. Scrubbing away with soap and hot water (as we all know) does very little, but a spray and gentle rub of WD-40 does the trick.

Shining Shoes

Shining Shoes


Cleaning Tar Stains

We’ve covered simple stains and dirt for now, but what about something a little more challenging – like tar? Tar can leave some nasty eyesores on your car, but guess who comes to the rescue? Dum dum dum… Superman! Oh wait, no, it’s WD-40!

Cleaning Tar Stains

Cleaning Tar Stains