Public Enemies: A Robe That’s Too Advanced
Johnny Depp’s performance as Prohibition-era gangster John Dillinger was well-received. Despite this, it couldn’t cover up for a certain historical inaccuracy. The robes that judges wore at the time were a lot heavier and stiffer than the jackets we wear these days. This one requires a closer look, but the fibers on the jacket Depp dons after stealing it away from Judge Murray were far too light for the norm at the time.

Public Enemies
Almost Famous: The Black Sabbath T-shirt
The quintessential teenage film, who can ever forget the tale this poignant coming of age tale? The movie is filled with plenty of charm and humor, but that doesn’t make up for a misplaced Black Sabbath printed T-shirt. The movie was set in 1973 but the shirts were actually produced in 1997. Oops!

Almost Famous