Troll Sportcoupé
This was an attempt by Troll Plastik & Bilindustri to make a car that has a fiberglass body. The reason the Norwegian manufacturer decided to use the material was that it was lightweight and came with various benefits, such as resistance to rust. The engineering was actually fine, but the design was an absolute failure. They only produced this model for a few years, from 1956 to 1958. While their next model wasn’t really as bad, it wasn’t exactly a looker either.

Troll Sportcoupé
Hyundai Tiburon
This car has gone by many names but it’s officially known as the Hyundai Tiburon. In Europe, however, it was named the Hyundai Coupe. In Spanish, Tiburon means ‘shark’ and we have to say that this car does look like quite an unfortunate-looking shark.

Hyundai Tiburon