The Green Light
After Mick Garris and Wes Craven said no, Stephen Sommers then brought in Jacks and Daniel. His vision for The Mummy was “as a kind of Indiana Jones or Jason and the Argonauts with the mummy as the creature giving the hero a hard time”. After seeing the film when he was a kid, Sommers wanted to recreate the film on a bigger scale. With just 18 pages, he pitched the idea to Universal – who were under new management and Babe: Pig in the City had just tanked in the box office. Universal loved the idea so much that they didn’t just approve the project, the took the budget from $15 million to $80 million. Nice!

The Green Light
The First
Venezuelan actress and model Patricia Velásquez is actually known as the world’s first openly lesbian Latina supermodel. In February 2015, she released her memoir Straight Walk, where she reveals her struggles growing up in poverty and how her relationship with Sandra Bernhard caused her to discover she was a lesbian. Some even claim that she is the first Native American model.

Patricia Velásquez