Facts About ‘The Mummy’ Films You Need To Know

Published on 06/12/2018

Reverse Roles

Remember Ardeth Bay? That name is an anagram for Death By Ra. Yes, he was the sworn protector of mankind from the villain, Imhotep. Yet, in The Mummy (1932), Ardath Bey, notice the different spelling, is actually Imhotep’s alter-ego. He uses this identity to pass as a modern Egyptian.

Reverse Roles

Reverse Roles


Your Dog Won’t Be Pleased

Believe it or not, the crew used dog food for an inventive prop. During the scene with fire and hail falling on Cairo, they took dry dog food and painted it white. That’s how dog food became hail balls thrown around on set.

Your Dog Wont Be Pleased

Your Dog Won’t Be Pleased