Brendan Fraser
A huge reason that Brendan Fraser even landed the part was because Jacks and director Stephen Sommers saw how well George of the Jungle was doing at the box office. Sommers felt that Fraser could easily pull off the swashbuckling character he envisioned. Plus, Fraser understood that his character “doesn’t take himself too seriously, otherwise the audience can’t go on that journey with him.”

Brendan Fraser
Evelyn “Evie” Carnahan
Oh yes, we have to talk about Evelyn “Evie” Carnahan. Evie was played by the brilliant English actress Rachel Weisz, but you knew that already. Although did you know that her name has a special inspiration? The character was a tribute to Lady Evelyn Carnarvon, she was the daughter of amateur Egyptologist Lord Carnarvon. Both of whom were present at the opening of the tomb of Tutankhamen in 1922!

Evelyn Evie Carnahan