Your Friendly Neighbor
This poster maker must not watch enough horror movies, if their nonchalance is anything to judge by. Most people would call the police if they noticed a strange man lounging around their hot tub. Or an exorcist, once they noticed the man’s red glowing eyes. But hey, to each their own. Maybe demons appreciate a soak just as much as the rest of us. Just to be safe though, maybe start filling your hot tub with holy water.

Your Friendly Neighbor
Thanks Man
Sometimes, in the dark times we are living in, it can be easy to lose hope and get discouraged. So it’s heart-warming to come across a bit of good news like this. A concerned citizen, upon finding a stack of $20 bills wrapped in a rubber band, was faced with a choice: keep the rubber band for themselves, or try and find its rightful owner. Fortunately, they did the right thing and put up this poster. Let this good deed be an example to us all!

Thanks Man