Hilarious Sports Signs That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

Published on 05/10/2018

Hilarious Sports Signs That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

If there is one thing that fans of any sport will tell you, it’s that a sense of humor is key. Fans have exposed to all of the controversial, heartbreaking, joyous, odd, mind-boggling and so on, moments when it comes to the team they support. You just can’t let the small, or big, stuff bother you. Ergo, let your feelings be known by writing it down. In this case we’ve compiled some of the funniest sports signs ever created. Get ready for some side-splitting signs, folks!

We’d like to take a minute to point out that “fan” actually derives from the word “fanatic”. And when you think about it like that, it makes sense than fans behave the way that they do. Doesn’t matter which sport you’re watching either – golf, basketball, football, tennis, soccer, hockey, baseball, wrestling, and so on – there are always going to fans on the sidelines who are cheering on their club or their favorite player. Okay, not all sports allow you to make much noise, such as golf, but you get the point. Also tennis fans will hoot and holler sometimes but it’s nothing like the roar of the crowd when you’re at a football, basketball, soccer, and so on match. That’s when the real “crazies” come out.

Fans also know how to take it to another extreme sometimes. Especially when they invade the pitch or court, it is just a huge annoyance to all those watching and especially to the players. Alas, it has become more common-ground these days. But can you really blame the fans for getting so excited or outraged? When you love your team so much, you’re always going to want to show your support. Some Hollywood films have even been created because of it. Think of Green Street Hooligans, starring Elijah Wood and Charlie Hunnam, which follows committed and wild West Ham (an English soccer/football club) fans. Or think of Jimmy Fallen and Drew Barrymore in Fever Pitch – it shows a couple who get together but the man is completely obsessed with the Boston Red Sox (a baseball team), this tests their relationship more than anything else conceivable.

This list puts on display the craziest, most funny and sometimes totally true signs that fans have ever penned. And when you’re brave, you’re not afraid to show your sign so that the whole world can see. Prepare to laugh and cry, these are the funniest sports signs we’ve ever laid eyes on.

An Ultimatum

Why not broadcast that you turned down a proposal? While it might not be classy, it certainly is hilarious. It’s all about what a girl wants and this girl didn’t want to be tied down. She just wanted to go to the World Series. That’s real commitment.

An Ultimatum

An Ultimatum

Say Yes

There’s nothing wrong with having a crush on a celebrity, even if you’re in a committed relationship already. It’s called daydreaming! What are the chances anything could ever happen? Let’s go with one a million? One in a billion? Yeah, chances are pretty slim but thanks for trying!

Say Yes

Say Yes

Puppy Love

Stakes were high for some Kansas City Royal fans. And looking at the sign this woman created, we totally get it. Who doesn’t want a puppy? (Well the answer to that question is…a monster. Everyone should want a puppy, they’re amazing. Anyways, rant over.) Her optimistic looks have lead us to believe that she did get a puppy in the end. What? Let me live!

Puppy Love

Puppy Love

Big Deal

Sticking with the dog and puppy theme…. Sean Avery is a former player for the New York Rangers and well, it looks like his legacy will carry on – in the form of a fan’s dog. We can support that. We hope Avery approved of her decision!

Big Deal

Big Deal

Lasagna Brag

The WWE isn’t all about takedowns and heated storylines, it’s a platform for fans to express themselves. When they’re happy or angry about what’s going on in the ring, yes. But also, to show their favorite wrestlers their love, or dislike. In this case, the only person this fan wanted to give a shoutout to…was their mom. Preach. Who doesn’t love a great lasagna?

Lasagna Brag

Lasagna Brag

We Love Nickleback

Whether you’re a fan of Nickleback or not, you can’t deny this sign is pure gold. Talk about being in the wrong place but at the right time. Then again, this could all be a prank. Either way, we love this sign. “A+” for creativity – if that’s what you were going for of course! If you’re actually lost, ouch.

We Love Nickleback

We Love Nickleback

Hunter Pence

Just in case you didn’t know, Hunter Pence is a San Fransisco Giants right fielder. And judging by these signs, he’s got some interesting fans. Looks like his fans are spending too much time reading the gossip magazines, we can’t imagine he’s like this in real life. Then again, do you ever really know someone?

Hunter Pence

Hunter Pence


While we admire his dedication and courage, we can’t imagine flaunting a sign such as this was really worth it. No matter the cause. But it does make for a good chuckle at the end of the day.



Nailed It

They all look like men who will be sleeping on the couch tonight. Unless their wives have a sense of humor? Even then, chances are slim. Although we have to applaud their honesty and humor!

Nailed It

Nailed It

Burn After Burn

A quadruple burn? We’re impressed. Especially as the jokes are directed at one of the greatest hockey players out there, Sydney Crosby. Considering his profession, he’s the type of guy who can take a joke. Especially as he’s a force to be reckoned with on the ice.

Burn After Burn

Burn After Burn

Pumpkin Spice

Oh dear, Hunter Pence makes the list again. Wow, his fans are really committed to their signs! Only this time, it’s about his beverage preference? I mean, to each their own. Good thing pumpkin spice is only in season for so long otherwise this could be a recurring joke.

Pumpkin Spice

Pumpkin Spice

Hubby Material

Men, listen up. Especially for those who have wives that are pregnant and are liable to go into labor at any moment. We wouldn’t try what this man has, EVER. He is a brave soul and we salute him.

Hubby Material

Hubby Material


Sorry Pao Gasol, but we kind of have to agree with the sign. It’s unfortunate we know. However you can’t help how you look sometimes. Although when you’ve a beast on the court and have money in the bank, such gags should just roll off the shoulders.



Sports Are Fun

This sounds like something non-sports folk would say. Sports are fun. Yay, go team. Go sports! When you’re at a hockey match, the only thing that matters is what is happening on the ice. In the blink of an eye, everything can change. That’s why it’s so fun. Maybe this fella missed the memo?

Sports Are Fun

Sports Are Fun

Seriously Though

I don’t care what sport we’re talking about, this is always true. Always. Referees are just the worst. Unless of course the call they make is in your team’s favor. Then again, they make just as many bad calls. Ask any fan of any sport, they’ll tell you the same.

Seriously Though

Seriously Though

A Brother’s Love

Is this just a case of sibling rivalry? Possibly. Although when you’re at a baseball game, the unthinkable can happen. Especially when a bat goes flying. Let’s hope it didn’t come to that.

A Brothers Love

A Brother’s Love

Turtle Turtle

Looks like the turtle loving zombie kid and Duke athlete Kyle Singler have something in common. Unfortunately it’s not a flattering comparison. Then again, he does have his Halloween costume all figured out.

Turtle Turtle

Turtle Turtle

Oh Brother

Unexpected family reunions don’t always go quite according to plan. And in this case, we’re going to assume it wasn’t smooth sailing for either. Way to nail the creepy smile though.

Oh Brother

Oh Brother


Poor Hunter Pence just can’t catch a break. Although in this case, he ~really~ does look like Marv from Home Alone! The resemblance is uncanny. Sorry, Pence.



Chicago Pride

In 2016, former Chicago White Sox pitcher Chris Sale served a five-day suspension after an incident of when he destroyed many of the team’s 1976 throwback jerseys. Sale rationalized his actions by alleging that the vintage jerseys were “uncomfortable and unorthodox” and had an unnecessary, bothersome collar. This fan chose to show his support for Sale in the best way he knew how.

Chicago Pride

Chicago Pride

Chilly Seattle

Fans will show up to a game no matter the circumstance. From the boiling heat to sub-zero temperatures, but darn it, they will let their pain be known. Although maybe these guys needed a few more layers? Just a thought.

Chilly Seattle

Chilly Seattle

Honesty Is The Best Policy

His parents must be so proud. At least their son is being honest and not hiding things. Although maybe he’s being a little too honest? In any case, the burn was perfectly delivered.

Honesty Is The Best Policy

Honesty Is The Best Policy

Picture Perfect

Former Boston Bruin Tyler Seguin was sent to the penalty box for hooking late in the second period of a tie game. Naturally he was quite upset but his fans were there to rally him through. Don’t worry, things can’t be that bad when your fans still love you.

Picture Perfect

Picture Perfect

Can’t Catch A Break

No way will referees ever catch a break. They were made to be despised, it’s common knowledge. Perhaps if they stopped making bad calls, signs like this wouldn’t be necessary. Neither would fan resentment.

Cant Catch A Break

Can’t Catch A Break

Show And Tell

The professional baseball catcher Matt Wieters was playing for the Baltimore Orioles from his rookie season in 2009 through to the 2016 season. In that time, fans fell in love with him more and more each passing season. Especially this fan right here, it would seem.

Show And Tell

Show And Tell


I bet her cheating ex-boyfriend is feeling pretty lousy right about now. Not only did he lose his girl but he also is at home instead of the game. Could it get any worse for the guy? Actually, don’t answer that. It probably can.



Burn and Burn

I’m sorry but I can’t think of anything better to say here other than, she hit the nail on the head. What a burn. No, two burns for the price of one. Brilliant, just brilliant.

Burn And Burn

Burn And Burn

The Search

Tensions run high whenever the Colorado University Buffaloes take on their in-state rivala Colorado State University Rams. And in this case, some fans were eager to drop a burn that could be felt round the world. Yikes.

The Search

The Search

Prince Charming

Tim Tebow has a lot going for him – a successful career, a Heisman trophy, faith, and so much more – and now it looks like he could be lucky in love. What do you say, Tim?

Prince Charming

Prince Charming

Writer’s Block

Support is support. You don’t need a sign to prove your loyalty. It’s enough you bought a ticket and showed up on game day. Although the sign is pretty genius. It might even rank in the top 10?

Writer’s Block

Writer’s Block

But Dad Said…

Sometimes dads do just know best, especially when it comes to football. Maybe it’ll even inspire the coaches on the sidelines, just maybe. Is it the right call? That’s up to the professionals.

But Dad Said...

But Dad Said…


It’s no secret that the Cleveland Browns have had a rough few decades. Actually the Browns have only strung together three winning seasons since 1990. Which is why we aren’t surprised their fans look like this and have created such signs.



Just Saying Hello

Don’t worry mom, they just wanted autographs. Get your head out of the gutter! And as far as bold signs go, they’ve made their message clear. Crystal clear.

Just Saying Hello

Just Saying Hello

Answer The Question

Without the stick, hockey players couldn’t deliver powerful blows. She just wants to feel the power in her hands, of what it could mean to strike gold. Do you think he answered the question? We’ll never know.

Answer The Question

Answer The Question

Bit Obvious

Sorry, but what point were you trying to prove? Is this supposed to encourage your team to do better or just distract them? In any case, this might be the laziest sign ever created.

Bit Obvious

Bit Obvious

Brett Favre Love

After Brett Favre’s texting scandal was exposed, fans were quick to show their support. Such as these ladies! And hey, at least they don’t look mad. That’s a start.

Brett Favre Love

Brett Favre Love

Biggest Burn

We’re not even sure what’s happening here. All we do know is, it’s just burn after burn after burn. How do athletes keep their composure when they see such signs? Could you keep your cool if you saw something like this?

Biggest Burn

Biggest Burn

Biggest Loser

If this sign doesn’t sum up what she’s thinking, we don’t know what will. Also can we just point out that she deserves an A+++ for creativity! Sick burn. My sides are hurting from laughing so hard at this.

NFL: Kansas City Chiefs At Denver Broncos

Biggest Loser

Love You Long Time

I don’t even want to talk about the sign above the ref’s head because duh, we’re all thinking that. However I have to say that I literally laughed out loud when I read the sign to the right of the referee. And if you didn’t do the same then you sir have no sense of humor!

Love You Long Time

Love You Long Time

Loud and Clear

We can’t even focus on these sings. We’re just too distracted and confused as to why they’re wearing bikinis in the middle of winter! Have you got a clue? Cause we’re at a loss for words.

Loud And Clear

Loud And Clear


Either he really doesn’t like sports or he’s just got the greatest sense of humor we’ve ever witnessed. And at the end of the day, isn’t this what we all want?



A New Level

What are we even supposed to say here? Actually you know what. It’s probably best we make no comments on this sign and just let you fill in the blanks. Yeah, yeah that’s much better.

A New Level

A New Level


In case you can’t read this, it says, “This sign has won as many national championships as Oregon.” Is that not one of the sickest burns you’ve ever heard? Or in this case, read.




Come on now. These people, the ones who make the signs, are just pure geniuses. The world is filled with hilarious people whose voices need to be heard! Someone grab this guy a mic and get him on a stage. I’m dying of laughter.



Home Alone

When you’re a fan of Home Alone and you’re not afraid to shout it from the rooftops. Although if Stone Cold Steve Austin was in the ring, he’d probably call you out for using this sign.

Home Alone

Home Alone

Sleeping on the Couch

Now here’s a man who will probably be sleeping on the couch once his wife sees this. No really. Last minute Christmas shopping is the worst thing in the world. He’s only going to make himself miserable.

Sleeping On The Couch

Sleeping On The Couch

This Is Pretty Great

As far as accurate and genius signs go, you’re looking at one. This kid has it all figured out and I’m pretty sure everyone worldwide would agree with him!

This Is Pretty Great

This Is Pretty Great

For Sale

So much for supporting your team through all the ups and downs. This guy just doesn’t care anymore, he’s had enough. BOO.

For Sale

For Sale

Meh, No Thanks

Even their faces deliver the final blow. These fans just aren’t happy. And when you’ve got unhappy fans, it’s obviously not a good thing. Unless you’re a bystander who gets to read signs like this one!

Miami Dolphins V San Diego Chargers

Meh, No Thanks


Pretty please. Actually it’s not even desperation at this point. Here’s a fan who is simply fed up and is just getting his message across. We can respect that.




Haven’t you heard the news?! Sports! Come on guys, sports rule and that’s all that matters. Just look at this sign. It says it all.



The Dream

Do you think he’s being sarcastic? Hard to tell isn’t it? I mean, he could be a fan of the winning team. So therefore he really is living the dream. Nothing is ever as it seems.

The Dream

The Dream


We have nothing but respect for this fan. Get it, girl. We’re right behind you. I can only hope that your team won that day!




Come on ladies, don’t be afraid to use your voice. If you have something you want to say, then say it! Take this chick for example. She’s clearly not holding back.



Hey Dad

Looks like dad is missing out! Maybe he’s working or he’s sick? Or maybe he and mommy got into a fight and he’s in the dog house. Either way, nice sign, son!

Hey Dad

Hey Dad