Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s Parenting Style

Published on 05/18/2020

Single Daily Call

Initially, Angelina asks for the sole custody of their six children and she wants to take the children away from Brad to keep the family healthy. On the other side, Brad also asks for the custody of their children. Despite having custody disputes, the couple once agreed to do a “co-parenting” for the sake of the children. As a part of this agreement, the ex-couple is only allowed to call the children once per day, when the children are with their Mom or Dad.

Single Daily Call

Single Daily Call



Angelina and Brad’s parenting style have been questioned by many especially when the public took notice of Shiloh’s gender identity/expression issue. The most sought Hollywood couple tends to become flexible when it comes to parenting. They are known for giving their utmost support to their kids who have taken various interests in their hobbies or when expressing themselves. Angelina once mentioned that she would never put a label on any of her kids nor put them in a box, and she really values the diversity they had rather than being perfect.

