The Most Horrific Shark Attacks In The History Of Mankind

Published on 05/21/2020

Leeanne Ericson

In 2017, Leanne Erickson was lucky enough to survive a terrible shark attack. A great white shark took a bite of her right leg and dragged her underwater. Fortunately, she had the presence of mind to punch it in the eye, which made it let go of her leg. She had to spend nine weeks in intensive care but recovered.

Leeanne Ericson

Leeanne Ericson


Achmat Hassiem

In 2006, another incident took place in Cape Town, South Africa. This time, Achmat Hassiem was the victim of a great white shark. Despite the fact that he had his right leg bitten off, he grew to love swimming. As a matter of fact, he brought home a bronze medal in Men’s 100m Butterfly at the London Paralympics six years after that.

Achmat Hassiem

Achmat Hassiem