The Most Horrific Shark Attacks In The History Of Mankind

Published on 05/21/2020

Robert Pamperin

Robert Pamperin and Gerald Lehrer took a snorkeling trip at the La Jolla Cove in California together in 1959. Sadly, tragedy struck when a 22-foot great white shark attacked Pamperin. By the time his friend heard him screaming, the shark already had him up to the waist. Unfortunately, they only managed to retrieve one of the fins that Pamperin had been using.

Robert Pamperin

Robert Pamperin


Barry Wilson

Even though Lovers Point is nothing short of picturesque, we are not kidding when we say it is dangerous. A teenager called Barry Wilson had been swimming here when he was attacked by a shark. According to witnesses, the shark came out of the water and pulled the young man underwater. When he resurfaced, he was flailing in his own blood. Even though five swimmers tried to fight off the animal and bring the young man to the shore, he died from the blood loss before help could get there.

Barry Wilson

Barry Wilson