Storage Auctions
Storage auctions happen more often than a lot of us expect. People get their units abandoned for quite many reasons. Few of the recorded reasons were:
- Owners could not afford the rent anymore.
- The owner passed away.
- The owner moved out of town.
- The owner was hospitalized unexpectedly for an extended time or other legal matters.
Their reasons push them to desert their storage and even the things that are inside them. On occasion, owners abandon their units due to criminal reasons – they would instead leave them for auction.

Storage Auctions
The Highest Bidder’s Surprise
Regardless of what is inside the storage unit, when it goes up for auction, the highest bidder gets it and becomes the new owner. Auctioneers bid with the hope of getting the best stuff. Usually, once the sale wraps up, that is the only time when the new owner actually sees what’s inside. To their surprise, sometimes it contains highly valuable stuff, while in most cases, it contains absolutely nothing but junk. It is totally risky for the auctioneers to bid for storage units that they are clueless about content.

The Highest Bidder’s Surprise