Loose Change Between Cushions
Lara Russo, Cally Guasti, and Reese Werkhoven laughed together and even cried while counting the bundles of bills. They reminisced about their childhood — when they all had a chance to find the loose change between their sofa’s cushions. However, their present discovery defied the explanations they grew up into. None of them could explain now how those envelopes were stuck inside the sofa and why these enormous amounts stayed inside it for time without even the Salvation Army store’s knowledge. The couch was just there collecting dust in the section.

Loose Change Between Cushions
A Lot Of Money
Finally, they were able to count them all, and the money inside the couch added up to $41,000! Would you believe that? The three roommates talked about how much rent it would probably cover. Reese Werkhoven even thought and mentioned buying his mom a car. All of them had suggestions for spending it. However, they discovered one last and final object on the couch that took away their laughter and threatened to prevent everything that they had planned in advance for the couch money. What do you think it was?

A Lot Of Money