Couch Search
They were all having these half-serious thoughts about their sofa. Finally, the three roommates started searching through the couch. They realized that most of the sofa’s parts were already bulging. Some parts were even out of its standard shape. They could not complain because they all agreed to buy the couch from a thrift store. They all knew that the sofa isn’t new. They searched for more and more. They lifted the pillows one by one, and to Reese’s surprise, there was a thick envelope in one of the cushions.

Couch Search
They were astonished! Cally and Lara helped out each other and tore apart the rest of the couch as if they were mad. They were curious about what other things were probably inside the sofa. As they searched for more of what’s on the couch, they were able to locate another envelope. Two envelopes down. Within a few seconds, another envelope was found, and then another, and then more. Soon, they realized that there were so many envelopes hiding throughout the couch! They almost forgot that it was newly bought!
