Good Place To Raise Kids
After appearing on Fixer Upper and watching the transformation of their house, the Matsumotos could not be any happier with the final product. Michael even called the end result to be both beautiful and functional. Most importantly, it was a childproof home! As every expectant couple knows, it is incredibly important to ensure that the house will be safe for the children they are expecting. Joanna saw to it that neither of them will have anything to worry about. Whew!

Good Place To Raise Kids
A Word To The Wise
One of the things they learned from the whole thing was how important it was to be bold. You need to visualize the home you want and look for a way to make it a reality. Although Michael could have paid for any house, he knew what he wanted. That was how he got his perfect home. However, he knows it is not always easy to do this. He even said, “I think the hardest thing for people to visualize are good bones or good elements to work with.” When it hits you, the sky will be the limit!

A Word To The Wise