When they said that dog is man’s best friend, they weren’t kidding. These canine creatures come in all breeds, shapes, and sizes, so we are sure you are going to find one that you like. The elderly can benefit from some furry love. After all, research has shown that owning a dog will lead to lower blood pressure, reduced stress levels, and more happiness! Read on to see 15+ breeds that would make for excellent companions for the seniors in your life.
Shih Tzu
The Shih Tzu, sometimes called the “Lion Dog”, is a great dog for elderly citizens because it is loyal, friendly, and easy-going. This dog does not require a lot of exercise, but you can expect it to snuggle up with you on the bed a lot! Although it might be small, you will be glad to hear that the Shih Tzu is a great guard dog. Regardless of whether your home is an apartment or a duplex, the Shih Tzu will be able to adapt to any lifestyle.

Shih Tzu
Bolognese Bichon
The Bolognese Bichon is yet another great breed of dog if your elderly friend is looking for a furry companion. It has plush-like fur, so grooming and maintenance of the pet and your home will not be hard. Owners are fond of this dog because it is smart and easy to train. It is ideal if you live in an apartment or other small spaces because of its quiet and calm nature. You won’t have any problems with noise whatsoever!

Bolognese Bichon