Saudi Arabia: Facts And Photos You Probably Want To See

Published on 10/21/2018

Absolute Monarchy

Currently in the world, a few countries still run by an absolute monarchy. Saudi Arabia has held this kind of government since September 23rd, 1932 when the Al Saud family started ruling. Other absolute monarch countries are, Brunei, Vatican City, Oman and Swaziland.

Absolute Monarchy

Absolute Monarchy


Punishable Crimes

Speaking of the death penalty, being homosexual isn’t the only gateway to being sentenced to death. The Saudi government has a number of other crimes that are punishable by death, such as: murder, armed robbery, witchcraft, and adultery. 154 offenders were executed in 2006 after being found guilty of committing these crimes.

Punishable Crimes

Punishable Crimes