Here Are The Most Threatening Planes In All Of Military History

Published on 08/01/2019

The Xian H-6 Bomber

The Xian H-6 Bomber is a Chinese aircraft first flown in 1958. However, its military career lasted much longer than that. It also served in the Iraqi and Egyptian Air Forces and got phased out in 1991 and 2000, respectively. Various versions have since been made with alterations to refueling, storage, and tech.

The Xian H-6 Bomber

The Xian H-6 Bomber


The MiG-21 Fighter

The MiG-21 Fighter is a Soviet-made jet still in use in more than 50 years after its creation. It is actually the most produced supersonic jet in all of history! It is still used in many countries to this day. This is the most produced combat aircraft since the Korean War as well. Will it go out of style? We really doubt it.

The MiG-21 Fighter

The MiG-21 Fighter