A New Look
Jase expected to big shave to make quite the fanfare among their supporters, which is why he streamed it on Facebook live. As he was sitting in the barber chair, his wife took over the camera and caught every single detail. His friend got the responsibility to shave the beard off and to fix his hair to go with the new look. You will love the reaction he got from the rest of the family.

A New Look
Her New Husband
True enough, Jase looked a lot different without the beard! With the clean-cut look, it was dramatic to see how different he looked from his brothers. Everyone was happy with the end result, but Missy was the one who was most delighted about it. She said that Jase looked like a completely different person but liked how her husband now looked. She even took to Twitter to report that she was beginning to flirt with him more than usual after the makeover. We understand since we can’t believe it’s him either.

Her New Husband