Movie Bloopers That You Definitely Missed

Published on 05/14/2019

Saving Private Ryan

[Immediately taking cover for the hate mail about to drop.] Saving Private Ryan is a critically acclaimed film which won numerous awards for cast and crew, but also the film itself. Let’s get back on point though, picture the scene when Captain Miller gets hurt in battle. In the photo below, Miller is composing himself as he leans up against a motorcycle, but that’s no ordinary ride. It’s the Ural M-63, and it’s a pretty darn authentic model too. What’s the problem? That particular bike wasn’t built until 18 years after the film was set. Still a good film, though.

Saving Private Ryan

Saving Private Ryan


Django Unchained

Django Unchained follows the tale of Django “Freeman”, played by Jamie Foxx, a slave who gets separated from his wife and is sold off during the 1850’s. Throughout the film, Django maintains a rock-n-roll look, especially with his cool sunglasses. However there’s a problem with his glasses – no “regular” person ever wore these way back then. Unless of course they were prescribed by a doctor for medical purposes. Seriously. On top of it all, Django’s sunglasses were actually inspired by Charles Bronson’s character in the 1977 film The White Buffalo.

Django Unchained

Django Unchained