We do not know what your day job happens to be, but we are sure that you agree with the sentiment that it does not get any tougher than being a parent. However, what makes it so difficult is also what makes the endeavor so fulfilling. We asked parents from all over the world for advice and here was what they had to say.
Make-Shift Sweeper
Crawling is the preferred mode of transportation most babies take. You should definitely take advantage of this before they learn how to walk and run! We recommend affixing dusters onto their onesies and let them out of their crib. The house should be clean in absolutely no time.
Drink Up
Resorting to sneaky means might be your only option sometimes. When your baby refuses to drink their medicine, get a pacifier and give it to them. The catch? You have to cut the tip off and then put in a medicine dropper!