Three Times
When the show premiered on Fox, the audience in America had never seen anything like it on TV. Ratings were very high for the pilot, so Fox made a decision to air it repeatedly and in succession for people who only found out about the show from others through frantic phone calls to be able to watch it live. Remember, this was during a time when DVRs as well as the Internet haven’t existed yet, so to create that much of a tremendous impression in only 20 minutes had been unheard of. The night of April 5th, 1987 went down in television history.

Three Times
Many Jokes
While the producers were in the process of creating the show, they began to make fun of the character Al’s name. These jokes were so good, the writers made a decision to add the jokes in the script. Throughout the 11 seasons of the show, there were many different and extremely funny variations of the name Al Bundy such as Al Boondy, Al Bumby, and Al Birdy. In addition, the actors came up with nicknames for one another, especially Christina Applegate. Until now, she has never revealed what nickname she calls her co-star David Faustino.

Many Jokes