The legendary character Uncle Otto on Married…With Children was initially supposed to have been played by the actor Harris Glenn Milstead, who was a drag queen with the stage name of Divine. Tragically, though, Milstead died prior to when filming was meant to begin. Divine struggled with obesity and his cardiomegaly was the reason the actor’s life ended too soon.

Amazing news for all the Bundy fans! As of the year 2014, a spin-off with Bud Bundy as the main character is reportedly in the works. The green light for the spin-off has been stopped and resumed repeatedly but hope for it shouldn’t be given up just yet. According to David Faustino, the possible series is still waiting for something legal to be resolved and that there is a rumor Netflix is picking up the show when production starts. All original cast members of the sitcom have said yes to co-starring or making an appearance at the very least, but it appears Bud fans still need to wait a while.

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