The Body
In the first season of the show, Al had a colleague named Luke Ventura, which definitely didn’t happen by chance. The character had been named after pro-wrestler Jesse Ventura, whose nickname was “The Body”. The writers of the show were big fans of his. Actually, James Ventura’s name in real life was James George Janos and aside from his career as a wrestler, he also served as the 38th Governor of Minnesota from 1999 to 2003.

The Body
Almost Barr
Peggy Bundy’s hilaious role had actually been intended for Roseanne Barr, the popular comedian and TV producer. Even though she has comedic roots and had her start by being a performer of stand-up comedy, she didn’t get the role. The actress who did eventually get the career-defining part was Katey Sagal, who is not new to Hollywood since her father used to be in show business prior to his death and way before she actually was.

Almost Barr