Bowl Cuts
We are fascinated by the bowl cut and how popular it is. That does not mean that we like it! We just do not understand why it has never permanently died out. Many people experiment with their locks, but we wonder why they expect a positive result with this one. Honestly, no one can pull this off. We would prefer to ignore the existence of the bowl cut. This look is reserved for toddlers, and no one else.

Bowl Cuts
Long in the Front, Short in the Back
This one has become a meme of sorts. According to netizens, this is the hairstyle sported by people who will say, “I want to speak to the manager.” They might think that it is a classy and modern look, but this is not the case. It became popular in the early ‘00s, and it should have died there. It is outdated now. Despite this, people continue to go to their hairdressers and ask for it. Why? We have no clue.

Long In The Front, Short In The Back