Old Man With A Wooden Paddle Against A Brown Bear
Do not forget to give credit where it is due. We want to applaud this guy for how brave and fearless he was. Can you believe that someone would have the guts to chase off a brown bear with a wooden paddle? It might not be the best thing to do in such a situation, but it is truly impressive despite that.

Old Man With A Wooden Paddle Against A Brown Bear
Tigers Like To Take Walks Too
You have likely never seen anything like this when you go to the market. We have no idea what a tiger had been up to in the middle of a parking lot in the daytime. In any case, this is certainly a sweet photo. It is easy to assume that he escaped from a zoo, but it does not look like a place with one of those. Who knows? If you are from this part of the world, perhaps you can shed some light on the matter.

Tigers Like To Take Walks Too