Gumby Is In Danger
How hilarious is it to see children hitting Gumby with a shoe? We wonder what the animated figure did to them to elicit such a reaction. He was a cultural icon for a couple of decades. You can still catch the TV reruns of the show on certain channels. Other people do not even think this was him at all. This could also be just a random guy in some green soft drink costume, but we would like to think that it was Gumby.

Gumby Is In Danger
This Area Is Controlled By The Lawnmower Mafia
Could these guys hail from The Sopranos? The only difference is that they do not sell pork but lawn mowers as a front. Perhaps they finally made the decision to bid adieu to the old ones they have collected in the past. We are not discounting the idea that this is a custom in this place. Perhaps everyone puts their lawnmower outside at dusk to show that they are done with work for the day.

This Area Is Controlled By The Lawnmower Mafia