Children Can Be Very Cruel
How cool is it that this photo has captured the reality of your preteen years? The girl must have fallen, which made her friends laugh. Well, that is if you can call that kind of person your friend in the first place. It was a very spontaneous moment, so the photographer took this at the right moment to show us what life is like for this group of kids. Do you think the others helped her to her feet after this?

Children Can Be Very Cruel
You Are Looking At A Tin Man Family Reunion
For some reason, they all dressed up as the tin man. How would you react if you walked into this group? We would not bat an eyelash if we were at Comic Con or some party with a futuristic theme. It would be weird outside of those events, but we have to say that they certainly know how to make an impression.

You Are Looking At A Tin Man Family Reunion