The Worst Way To Scratch Your Car
Did the gate suffer a malfunction then collapse on the hood? Did he press the button much too soon? We can’t give you the answer to that. It is such a silly way to get a scratch on your car. We hope that the car owners got there sooner than later because they would need to pay for a high repair bill otherwise.

The Worst Way To Scratch Your Car
There Are So Many Things Going On Here
Can anyone explain what happened in this photo? This guy decorated his car with crime scene tape and U.S. flags. We can tell that he was proud to be an American citizen. He was not afraid to let the rest of the world know about it either. The orange cone is just the cherry on top. The funny thing about this is that it looks just like a Back to the Future prop. This must have been taken a few years ago.

There Are So Many Things Going On Here