Fertility Treatment’s Blessing: Woman Gives Birth To Septuplets – Now They’re 21

Published on 04/24/2019

It’s Your Birthday!

Keeping to their word of remaining under the radar apart from birthdays, Bobbi and Kenny McCaughey allowed Ann Curry from the Today Show to make a special feature when the septuplets turned 13. It truly was a special sight to behold when the 7 teenagers blew out all of their 91 candles.

Its Your Birthday

It’s Your Birthday!


High School Days

The time came for the septuplets to go to high school. Together they all attended Carlisle High School in Carlisle, Iowa and understandably they were the center of attention from their first day. It’s not every day you see a set of septuplets join your grade. 2012 marked the start of very successful high school careers for the siblings.

High School Days

High School Days