Coming Together
Vigils and other events of support were held across the United States in solidarity with the armed forces in Europe on November 11. The mayor of Philadelphia rang the Liberty Bell for the first time in more than a century, marking a historic occasion. The New York Stock Exchange observed two minutes of silence, and the Manhattan Stock Exchange held a D-Day rally. “We, the people of the City of New York, in meeting assembled, send forth our prayers to the Almighty God for the safety and spiritual welfare of every one of you and humbly petition Him to bring total victory to your arms in the great and valiant struggle for the liberation of the world from tyranny.” said then-New York mayor Fiorello La Guardia in a speech to the city.

Coming Together
Massive Navy Fleet
Operation Neptune was no laughing matter. The Allies were well aware that in order to invade Germany, they would first have to liberate France and clear a path to Berlin. The allied forces gathered a total of 5,333 ships and landing craft, which were tasked with capturing the beaches along the French coast in the area of Normandy, France, in 1944. Together, the allied forces who stormed the beaches totaled 175,000 brave souls in their ranks.

Massive Navy Fleet