This Baby Elephant Had Been On The Brink Of Death When The Unexpected Happened

Published on 08/20/2019

She Is So Stubborn

The people taking care of Sheila quickly began her anti-toxin treatment. It needed some investment to get all of the medication that the poor lioness needs. And as difficult as it may be, this was Sheila’s only hope of surviving. It’s difficult to get a lion like Sheila to make her intake her medicine. In fact, the In-Sync team would take almost an hour just to give her the medicine she needs.

She Is So Stubborn


Feeling Good

As soon as she took her medicine, Sheila immediately started to get better. Her legs healed, letting her walk on her own, and eventually, she started to eat without any need of assistance. The people in charge of Sheila believed that the lioness started to get better because of her medication, however, what they didn’t realize is that Sheila healed because of a completely different reason.

Feeling Good