Sophia Loren
Next up is the 83 year old “Italian Marilyn Monroe,” Sophia Loren. The singer and actress entered the Hollywood scene in the 50’s and is still killing it today. Not only is she known for her stunning looks but she is a total foodie. Loren has said in the past, “Everything you see I owe to spaghetti.” We can get behind that.

Sophia Loren
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Buffy Summers is the ultimate sign of feminism and if you don’t agree with that, don’t talk to me. Sorry, not sorry. At just age four, while eating at a restaurant, Sarah Michelle Gellar was discovered. And we’re really not that surprised. Gellar is considered as one the greatest female role models of all time, also something that doesn’t surprise us. Currently she is slaying life as a business woman – Gellar is the co-founder of Foodstirs, a food crafting brand which sells “kid-friendly” baking kits.

Sarah Michelle Gellar