Find Out If Your Favorite Retailer Will Be Closing Shop Before The Year Ends

Published on 07/15/2019

Pier 1 Imports

Strategy and research company Jeffries said Pier 1 was going to experience a “heavy investment year” in 2018 since it was going to handle its “sourcing, merchandising, pricing, marketing, store ops, e-com, and supply chain.” It saw a 9.2 percent decline in the net sales during 2018 Q1, which is equal to $371.9 million year over year. Not only did its credit rating go down, but Trump’s tariff against Chinese products made things even more difficult for the company.

Pier 1

Pier 1


Lands’ End

Land’s End has been hurt by its relationship with Sear’s, which went in a different direction back in 2013. While its catalog items sales remain strong, former CEO Federica Marchionni made certain mistakes. One such mistake happened with Canvas, a youthful brand that had been making attire in “designer styles to relaxed looks.” The brand failed to attract a lot of consumers, however. Ouch.

Lands' End

Lands’ End