What I Wish Everyone Knew About Baking Soda Is About To Be Revealed

Published on 05/14/2020

Clean Children’s Toys

Children love to plush toys, but they get dirty very easily. In order to freshen the children’s toys, put all of them in a large, and add a hundred grams of baking soda. Make sure that it is tied and shake it well. The baking soda will attract most of the dirt and will even remove the bad smell. Once done shaking, remove all the toys, and gently vacuum them.

Clean Children's Toys

Clean Children’s Toys


Clean A Mattress

Mattresses also need to be freshened up. For those who want to clean their mattress, sprinkle some baking soda on the mattress for 15 minutes or overnight. Afterward, vacuum it well. It will Draw out all the dirt and dust and will also remove the bad smells. The same can be done with carpets.

Clean A Mattress

Clean A Mattress