Garbage Disposal Odors
Baking soda can also be used for the odor of the garbage with the use of a baking soda vinegar solution that will come handy. To use this solution, apply running hot water in the garbage disposal for a minute and pour ¼ baking soda into the drain. Turn the disposal for 2 seconds and after 10 minutes, add 1 cup of vinegar. It will develop a bubble as a result. To end the process, apply running water and it will remove the odor of the garbage.

Garbage Disposals
Whiten Your Teeth
We know that we like tea or coffee. However, too much of this drink can change the color of our teeth. If we do not want to give up our drinking habit, we may end up spending more of our salary in the dental product or even for the dentist. The cheapest way to whiten our teeth is by applying baking soda. Just add a quarter teaspoon of baking soda combined with water and apply it using your toothbrush and it will give you the best way to whiten your teeth.

Whiten Your Teeth