Hilarious Pictures Of Animals Doing Ridiculous And Amusing Things

Published on 05/27/2021

Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?

For as long as most of us can remember, the age-old famous question has been around – why did the chicken cross the road? But to this day, it doesn’t seem as though it has been answered. Perhaps, it’s because no one has even considered the fact they want to actually play football. If that is indeed the case we would all have to agree that this would be totally hilarious.

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Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?


Napping On Another Level

Know that amazing feeling of being able to effortlessly fall asleep in the car? It’s truly indescribable. There’s no doubt that this sweet, adorable puppy agrees with us too. Except, it appears that the inside of the door handle was the comfiest resting spot that he could find. We really adore this picture. This really gives a new definition for lazy days.

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Napping On Another Level