10 Years After Becoming A Viral Sensation, Where is Allison Stokke?

Published on 04/02/2018

Stepping In

That’s when Allan, Allison’s father, stepped in. Allan is a lawyer who took it upon himself to review all of the online material about his daughter. His mission? To identify any and all illegal behavior or stalkers toward Allison. Stokke reflected on her situation to The Washington Post, “Even if none of it is illegal, it just all feels really demeaning. I worked so hard for pole vaulting and all this other stuff, and it’s almost like that doesn’t matter. Nobody sees that. Nobody really sees me.”

Stepping In

Stepping In


Highlighting the Situation

So CBS stepped in and used Allison’s story in order to highlight all of the dangers that the internet can bring when it comes to publicly sexualizing people, young people in particular. With, or without, that individual’s permission. Der Spiegel, the German site we mentioned, also noted that Allison Stokke had turned into a “sex symbol against her will”.

Highlighting The Situation

Highlighting The Situation