Love Story: Meet the Partners of Famous LGBT Entertainers

Published on 11/13/2017

Beth Ditto & Kristin Ogata

Who said you need the law and a court to declare that you’re officially partnering up with someone? Love is love, and these celebrities made sure that the world knew this in July 2013 by making a massive ‘unofficial’ wedding ceremony in Hawaii. 17 months passed and they officially got married under Oregan’s law permitting same-sex marriage.

Beth Ditto Kristin Ogata

Beth Ditto & Kristin Ogata


Bill T. Jones & Bjorn Amelan

Life is full of challenges and unexpected situations that test your strength. Both of these men lost the loves of their life and it took them a long time to be able to move on. Today they are happy and completely in love.

Bill T. Jones Bjorn Amelan

Bill T. Jones & Bjorn Amelan