Love cannot be measured, but it can definitely be seen in the people who are truly experiencing it. Here are some of the most famous celebrity wives who are truly in love, and others who have had their heart’s share of heart-break and more.
Sam Elliott – Katharine Ross
Everyone adores Sam Elliott and Katharine Ross, who are famous for their roles in Western films. However, these stars have been able to shine in all sorts of movies. However, many say their biggest win on set was meeting each other! Back in 1984, the two tied the knot and are still happily together today. We’ll get back to their love story in a bit and show you some recent pictures of the lovebirds.

Katharine Ross
Robert Redford – Lola Van Wagenen
Back in 1957, Lola Van Wagenen and Robert Redford first met and secretly wed just a year later in Las Vegas. Months after, the two had a public ceremony in Utah. Together, they had four kids. Tragically, their son, Scott Anthony, died at just 2 and a half months from sudden infant syndrome. Redford and Van Wagenen ended their marriage in 1985, but remain good friends.

Lola Van Wagenen