Hollywood Celebrities Who Served In The Military

Published on 12/17/2017

Paul Newman

After being told that his color-blindness prevented him from becoming a pilot during WWII, Paul Newman did anything but give up. He pushed to become a turret gunner on an Avenger torpedo bomber – one of the Axis’ worst nightmares. He narrowly escaped a terrifying death when during the Battle of Okinawa, kamikaze planes attacked the USS Bunker Hill where he was supposed to be on board. Newman wasn’t on the ship, simply because his pilot was suffering from an ear infection.

Paul Newman

Paul Newman


Clint Eastwood

Clint Eastwood had a military service unlike the one you probably imagined up in your mind. He drafted into the Army during the Korean War, but as a lifeguard on a base. Although it wasn’t related to his Army service, Eastwood was once aboard an airplane that crash-landed into the sea. Unbelievably, he and the pilot managed to swim over two miles to safely get on shore.

Clint Eastwood

Clint Eastwood